Project leaders and others have enthusiastically shared information about the project in a variety of venues:
Journal Publications
Interprofessional education between midwifery students and obstetrics-gynecology residents: An American College of Nurse-Midwives and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists collaboration. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, April 2019.
By all sites:
ACNM-ACOG Maternity Care Education & practice Redesign: Where the rubber meets the road. ACNM 64th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, May 21, 2019.
ACNM-ACOG Maternity Care Education and Practice Redesign: Preparing Midwives and Obstetrician-gynecologists for the future. ACNM 63rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition, May 20, 2018.
Interprofessional education between midwifery students and obstetrics-gynecology residents: An American College of Nurse-Midwives and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists collaboration. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, Online January 2020.
Tandem Boating: Knowing the Ropes of Interprofessional Education. Small Group Presentation. APGO/CREOG Annual Meeting. National Harbor, Maryland, March 2, 2018.
By Individual sites:
University of California San Francisco:
Attitudes Around Interprofessional Team-Based Learning on Labor and Delivery. Poster Presentation. APGO/CREOG Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, March 2019. Zhang J, Dau K, Frometa K, Millar K, Autry A.
Practical Considerations for Optimal Incorporation of Interprofessional Learning in Ob/Gyn Residency and Medical Student Training. Small Group Presentation. APGO/CREOG Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida 2017. Autry A, Dau K, Shores S, Gossman G, Zhang W, Waltner-Toews R.
Baystate Medical Center:
Student Nurse-Midwives and Ob/Gyn Residents Learning Together: Building Teams for the Future. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century conference, October 26-27, 2018, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA. Krause SK, Sankey H.
Frontier Nursing University, Reading/Tower Health Systems:
TeamSTEPPS: A Department of OB/GYN Interprofessional initiative. Poster presentation. Interprofessional Care for the 21st Century conference, October 26-27, 2018, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA. Perry A.
Anchors Away for Interprofessional Education, Collaboration and Service: Rough Waters but Worth the Work! APGO/CREOG Annual Meeting. National Harbor, Maryland, March 2018. Perry A, Woodland M.
University of Minnesota
Interprofessional Maternity Care Education and Practice Redesign. UMN School of Nursing 2018 Research Day, April 6, 2018. Avery M.
Interprofessional education for ob-gyn residents and nurse-midwife students. Poster presentation, Best Practices in Health Sciences Education, May 2, 2019. Rauk P, Avery M, Page AF, Hoffman S.
Interprofessional education for ob-gyn residents and nurse-midwife students at the University of Minnesota. Educators Workshop May 19th, 2018 ACNM Annual Meeting. Avery, M. and Rauk, P.
By Principle Investigators:
Dr. Jennings presented information on this project as part of a broader presentation at the International Gynecologic Society Meeting on May 17, 2018.
Dr. Avery was invited to a meeting on April 9, 2019 hosted by the NationDr. Avery meeting presented on interprofessional education April 9, 2019 at a meeting hosted by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, “Assessing Health Outcomes by Birth Settings”.
Other Publications
The Feeling is Mutual. University of Minnesota, School of Nursing Magazine, Fall 2017.
Developing an Innovative Model to Grow the Provider Workforce, Quickening, Fall 2017.
Improving the Maternity Care Workforce through Interprofessional Education, Josiah Macy Foundation, Jr. Newsletter, February 2, 2018.