Meg Autry, MD, Kim Q Dau, CNM, Kate Frometa, CNM
- Birth Equity Training (led by World Trust)
- Centering Pregnancy facilitation
- Poverty Simulation
- Various Grand Rounds on equity and disparity in Ob/Gyn
- Ob/Gyn intern and SNM debriefing sessions held with CNM and MD faculty twice annually
Shared Decision Making
- Jointly hosted grand rounds on Respectful Maternity Care by Saraswathi Vedam; followed by space for learners from both professions to discuss shared decision-making (patient centered care)
Interprofessional clinical rotations
- UCSF Mission Bay; team based care delivery model with CNM and physician attendings working with residents in a moderate to high risk setting; midwife students have now joined this team. Patients assigned based on acuity, midwife student and intern divide the labor board; intern and midwifery student are peers; both learning from the CNM attending and chief resident; midwifery student participates in change of shift and safety rounds.; Intern and midwifery student debrief sessions scheduled 1-2x a year to discuss interprofessional collaboration
- Ambulatory; sending midwifery students to GYN experience with OB/Gyn physicians
Development of ideas for next year
- Implementing the IPE modules adapted from UBC and selected others, including joint sessions to discuss in-person
- NRP co-learning
- Nexplanon co-learning
- OB journal clubs with resident, midwifery student, fellow
- Racial Equity in Birth—Sister Song summer session?
Autry A; Dau K; Shores S; Gossman G; Zhang W; Waltner-Toews R. Practical Considerations for Optimal Incorporation of Interprofessional Learning in Ob/Gyn Residency and Medical Student Training. Small Group Presentation. APGO/CREOG Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida 2017.
Autry A; Dau K. et al. Tandem Boating: Knowing the Ropes of Interprofessional Education. Small
Group Presentation. APGO/CREOG Annual Meeting. National Harbor, Maryland 2018.
Zhang J; Dau K; Frometa K, Millar K, Autry A. Attitudes Around Interprofessional Team-Based
Learning on Labor and Delivery. Poster Presentation. APGO/CREOG Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana 2019.