Student Nurse Midwives and Ob/Gyn Residents Learning Together: Building Teams for the Future

Susan Krause, MSN, CNM, FACNM, Heather Z. Sankey, MD, MEd, FACOG, Donald Kirton, MD, FACOG Sharon Holley, DNP, CNM, FACNM, Eilean Attwood, MD, FACOG

At the conclusion of the curriculum, the student nurse midwives (SNM) and the ob/gyn residents (together referred to as “the learners”) will

  1. participate in a shared curriculum
  2. reflect on the impact of the curricula on the roles for themselves and others as members of the healthcare team
  3. provide feedback on ways to improve the curriculum
  4. have an increased comfort level with working together collaboratively


Simulation (Communication, Obstetrical Emergencies)

We have two types of simulation.  The first is with a low-fidelity simulation with a standardized patient.  The SNM takes a history and counsels a woman who is requesting sterilization.  The SNM then hands over the patient to a PG1 resident who counsels for the surgery and then presents to the senior resident.  The senior resident facilitates the session and runs the debriefing. 

IPE Seminar Series (half day sessions)

This series take place during the resident weekly protected time for didactic.  The topics are chosen to be relevant to all learners and appropriate at any point in the curriculum.  So far the topics have included…


All providers, residents, SNM, nurses and staff on our obstetrical units go through a 2-3 hour TeamSTEPPS training in their first year at our institution.  Each session is attended by up to 10 people with as much role diversity as possible, and run by a provider and nurse together.

Shared Learning Experiences (Poverty Simulation, Neonatal Resuscitation, obstetrical boot camp)

This is a group of educational events that were previously completed independently by each group, and we have been able to bring them together in a shared learning experience.

Clinical Learning (Morning Report, Safety Rounds)

Every morning on labor and delivery there is a one hour period of time where residents covering at night and during the day sit down together with the OB Team midwife, the Ob attending, and the MFM attending to handoff patients as a group.  Three days a week there is an article or practice bulletin from ACOG which is reviewed.  When a SNM is on L&D for the day, she or he will join in the rounds and present the midwifery patients.

Safety rounds occur twice daily on the L&D unit with all in house providers, residents and students along with the nurses on the unit.  All patients are briefly reviewed and discussed.

Session Learners Frequency
IPE Seminar day First year SNM All residents Once per learner
Shared Learning Experiences Second year SNM Incoming PGY1 residents Once during boot camp
Clinical learning Second year SNM on labor floor PGY1-4 on L&D and Night Float Throughout the year
Simulation (Communication, Obstetrical Emergencies)   Second year SNM PGY1 and PG3 residents Once for each learner for each kind of simulation
TeamSTEPPS Every SNM and resident in small groups with nurses, practicing providers and staff Once for each learner

Contact Information:

Heather Z Sankey, MD