ACOG/ACNM Education Redesign
Tia Andrighetti, DNP, CNM, Tonya Nicholson, DNP, CNM, WHNP, FACNM, Audrey Perry, DNP, CNM, Owen Montgomery, MD, FACOG, Mark Woodland, MD, FACOG, Dominic Cammarano, MD
Our collective, Drexel University, Frontier Nursing University (FNU) and Reading Hospital/Tower Heath, accepted the challenge of bringing together OB/GYN residents in two programs and student nurse-midwives spread across 50 states to enhance learners’ skills around team based care. We brought learners together across institutions, schedules and times zones. We developed activities for these future women’s health care providers to learn together interactively with the hope of ultimately improving maternity care in the United States.
Morning and midday inpatient and outpatient huddle, birth (daily)
Every morning and evening on labor and delivery student nurse-midwives, residents, staff nurse-midwives, OB attendings, MFM, neonatal staff and providers, anesthesia, nursing staff and management hold a morning brief on every patient in OB triage, labor & delivery and the antepartum service to discuss the plan of care, staffing needs, and possible problems. At midday a similar patient brief is held in the clinic setting for the outpatient population. This activity occurs at Reading Hospital and Drexel University.
Interprofessional Case studies (monthly)
Student nurse-midwives from FNU present and participate in monthly patient case reviews from inpatient, outpatient and birth center locations with the OB/GYN resident team at Reading Hospital. The session is moderated by faculty nurse-midwives and OB/GYN faculty. There is a pre case presentation that is informal to review cases and offer insights/ recommendations prior to the formal review. ACNM and ACOG practice bulletins/ clinical recommendations are reviewed for context/ reference.
Simulation ( twice a year)
Student nurse-midwives from FNU and an interprofessional team of professionals ( OB/GYN residents, anesthesiologist, nurses, etc.) from Drexel University participate in a full day series of simulations facilitated by Drexel University master debriefers.
ALSO (Advanced Life Support and Obstetrics course) ( yearly)
OB/GYN residents and FNU student nurse-midwives attend the ALSO course together at Reading Hospital/ Tower Health. ALSO is an evidence-based, interprofessional, and multidisciplinary training program that equips the entire maternity care team with skills to effectively manage obstetric emergencies.
All providers, residents, FNU student nurse-midwives and select nurses at Reading Hospital/ Tower Health completed a 5-month-long team-based interactive TeamSTEPPS training facilitated by Drexel University master trainers.